Rødovre Kommunale Fjernvarme

Rødovre Kommunale Fjernvarme

CUSTOMER CASE RØDOVRE KOMMUNALE FJERNVARME BACKGROUND _______ Rødovre Kommunale Fjernvarmeforsyning – also known as RKF in daily language – was established in September 1985 and became an independent supply department located in the Technical Department, but with its...
Værløse Varmeværk: Better Overview

Værløse Varmeværk: Better Overview

CUSTOMER CASE VÆRLØSE VARMVÆRK: BETTER OVERVIEW BACKGROUND _______ Værløse Varmeværk was established in 1964 by a group of local consumers. At that time, it had 500 consumers and used oil as its heating source. In 1985, it transitioned to natural gas. Today, it...
QLIFE: One supplier and simplified processes

QLIFE: One supplier and simplified processes

CUSTOMER CASE QLIFE: ONE SUPPLIER AND SIMPLIFIED PROCESSES BACKGROUND _______ Qlife Aps was established in Copenhagen, by Thomas Warthoe, Peter Warthoe, Lars Bangsgaard and Ebbe Finding. They have worked in the IVD (In-Vitro Diagnostic) industry for the past 20 years...
REALFICTION – From dream to innovative technology

REALFICTION – From dream to innovative technology

CUSTOMER CASE REALFICTION – FROM DREAM TO INNOVATIVE TECNOLOGY BACKGROUND _______ Realfiction is a major international supplier of unparalleled 3D holographic display solutions for retail, expo and brand activation. Project ECHO is the manifestation of the dream...